
Courses To Help You Master The Skills + Mindset You Need To Grow Your Brand + Business.

Every course is designed with simplicity and impact in mind to help you and your team implement with gumption and create results.


Smart Courses For Smart Leaders & Business Owners

To Increase Revenue and Become a Powerhouse in Your Industry, You Have to Master the Basics of Mindset, Branding, Positioning and Business.


If you don’t know how to explain what you do and what makes you the #1 choice in a way that draws people in, you will die. Learn how to eliminate confusion from your messaging so customers finally resonate and buy.

Brand Positioning

Positioning is to business what a heart beat is to the body. Learn how to position your brand to ALWAYS be The First, The Best or The Only to grow and thrive in any economy!


No successful organization is where it is today without effective leadership. Effective leadership is almost always one of the main and primary drivers for growth, development and innovation.

Business Architecture

If you don’t have the right winning ingredients in place, your business will never be able to grow and scale. Learn the vital ingredients to build, grow and scale your business without losing your hair!


You could have the best strategies in the world and utterly fail as a result of poor mindset. Learn habits and strategies to stay present, focussed and empowered to grow and thrive despite change.


Too many people live by default rather than by design and living by default leads to an unsatisfying and unproductive life. Learn to live and operate by design and grow yourself and your biz faster and with more joy.

To operate by design, streamline your work, and increase revenue, you have to master the basics of business otherwise, you will fall prey to these brutal stats:

1 %

of business owners are overwhelmed, overworked and undervalued.

1 %

of business owners ever make it into the 6 figures. 

1 %

of business owners ever make it into the 7 figures.

At LeapZone, we are dedicated to helping people build extraordinary lives, businesses and brand experiences. We work with couple-preneurs, entrepreneurs and heart-centered leaders to create, communicate, and deliver new sources of value through innovative strategies, brand alignment and performance coaching. Our mission is to empower 10 Million entrepreneurs to operate and live by design, not by default.

The LeapZone Learning Lab is constantly developing new courses to help you become indispensable by mastering the key ingredients and skills needed to build a thriving brand and business.

Top Courses

Mindset Mastery Code

12 pivotal habits & strategies to stay present, focussed and empowered to grow and thrive despite change.

Build To Rock Program

The step-by-step branding and business growth system to uncover your money-making edge.

Brand Fearlessly Retreat

An exclusive, private Business Retreat Intensive for heart & impact-driven entrepreneurs born to blaze new trails.

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Life-Changing & Momentum Building.

1 %

Practical Advice That Will Elevate Your Results.

1 %

Created With Attention & Love.


Training + Coaching Team

Customer Love!

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